The perfect customer service… for your Latin American customers.

Angie Araya
2 min readMay 28, 2020

My advice to overseas companies.

México City, international airport. 4am BTW

We all have very clear the importance of a really good customer service, the quality of the communication means everything into a business.

Most of my clients are from China, it means that the difference of do anything is huge, and the biggest challenge — that I noticed so far- has been the customer service.

The deal here is, the relationships are handled in a really different way, business people from latin america wants the business more close to them, more personal.

Well, I found 3 really specific points that must be watch it — very close-: the channel, the language and the message.

The right channel:

The traditional way to get connect with any factory or supplier in Asia or China is through email, the deal here is:

1) Time zone, it means that the time of answer can be about 12 hours of difference, it makes everything slower than we will like to have.

Sometimes an extra tool can help so much, a 24/7 whatsapp is a good example, WeChat can be complicated for latin american users.

2) The restricted accesses that china have of some servers in america.

I suggest that you have some tools connected in America, some like a VPN , this will avoid to lose some connections.

The right language

I know that many of the biggest companies can handle a English or even chinese speakers but what if not.

-I think is time to think about hire an official translator -

The right message

Sometimes the guaranties are very clear, some cases are not.

But, will be a better idea if the company thinks about to hire an official public relationist located in Latin America.

Have a real connection with customers is not only about good prices, is also about relationship and a easy way to connect, talk and create new business.



Angie Araya

Public Relationist | Translator | Blogger | Speaker | Marketing Content -México| | WeChat: angie_araya | Email: