To be entrepreneur…

Myths and realities from my point of view.

Angie Araya
2 min readJan 25, 2019

I still remember that day as if it were yesterday, my first thought was — I have nothing to lose- Can I make fun of myself? 😂

I’ve lost a lot of many “important things” being an entrepreneur, but I’ve won more

Things that I thought were important but I lost them …

  1. Friends... Yes, many of them literally kick my out of their lives because they thought that I have no value for their professional network.
  2. My job… my boss thought that I was not strong enough to hold a full-time job and an entrepreneurial project.
  3. Time… working for others trying get a promotion.

But I won…

  1. Business, now I go to business meetings instead of jobs interviews. 😉
  2. Network, a really valuable one!! — Network = 💲-.
  3. People to help, emotianal salary. — Not everything is about money-

And I learn …

The most valuable lesson that I have had during almost those 6 years being an entrepreneur is: If something seems difficult, go for it, because it will be the most powerfull lesson.

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Next post: The perfect life.



Angie Araya

Public Relationist | Translator | Blogger | Speaker | Marketing Content -México| | WeChat: angie_araya | Email: