What I have learned working with Chinese colleagues.

A whole new world.

Angie Araya
2 min readOct 9, 2019
Angie Araya
Me representing MRI at Expo in Costa Rica, 2013.

I´ve worked since I was 15 years old, It means that by now I have 21 years of experience as a worker and throught all this years I had the opportunity to worked with coworkers who came from so many different countries, Mexicans, Germans, French, Arabs, but the one that most impressme is the Chinese, — ¡They do everything in a real different way!-

In one of my lastest jobs I used to work as a representative, that meas that I had to be in every single public and private event, there I had to share and sale my “business” — at that time- and the most of my clients came from USA, at that point I had very clear the differences to negociated with North Americans and South Americans.

After this experience I got the opportunity to work with Chinese colleagues, in this occation my job was about imports and exports, and during the past 5 years I’ve being notice so many details about the behavior of the business and the way to make negotiations with them.

I would love to explain every single detail but it will takes a huge post, but I will publish it in parts- .

First lesson,a relationship based on trust!

Chinese people are so kind and humble, they don’t expect to have a real business cooperation until they have a real relationship with their potential clients, is true that everybody expect to sell as soon as possible in a business world, but a real relationship with really good cooperations and negotiations come — for them- with a relationship based on trust.

#2: Family first!

All of us always say something like my very first priority is my family but when you meet the chinese cultur you will realize that they really mean it.

And #3 Do everything you can!

Chines people appreciated very very much the extra efforts, they notice how much do you have to do for get this extra at work.

In summary, I’ve learned that business are business but culture come first.



Angie Araya

Public Relationist | Translator | Blogger | Speaker | Marketing Content -México| www.angiearaya.com | WeChat: angie_araya | Email: hola@angiearaya.com